FAQ - Veel gestelde vragen

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

FAQ or also 'Frequently asked questions'. Below we provide answers to problems when making and burning candles.

Problem Cause Solution
Cracks in the candle - Cooled too quickly Let the solidification take place at room temperature (18°C). Cooling in extreme cold causes cracks.

- Dents in the candle.

- Sides pulled in.

- Shrinkage hole in the center of the candle.

Shrinkage is a natural process during solidification (cooling).

Paraffin expands with heat and shrinks when solidified. This is normal and unavoidable. The higher the pouring temperature, the more shrinkage occurs during solidification.

- Heat the mold before pouring.

- Pierce the wick with a needle and refill regularly during the clotting process.

- Ensure no large temperature differences during refilling. Avoid refilling when complete clotting.

Air bubbles

- Cooled too quickly

- Cast too cold

- Cast too quickly

- Air has not escaped

- Cooling less quickly

- Pour at a higher temperature

- Pour more slowly and carefully.

- Tap the mold while pouring.

White icing, spots on the candle

- Too much stearin added.

- Mold too cold.

- Filled too cold.

- Add less stearin.

- Heat the mold before refilling.

- Refill at a higher temperature.

White snowflakes

- Too much oil residue in the wax.

- Cooled down too quickly.

- Too much silicone spray or olive oil used.

- Use a better quality wax.

- Addition of Vybar reduces the formation of snowflakes.

- Cool less quickly.

- Use less or no spray or oil.

Flame too high

Wiek is too fat

Get a thinner blade.

Flame too small

Wick is too thin

Get a thicker wick.

Flame splashes

- Wick absorbs water during immersion in water cooling bath.

- Water in the paraffin.

- Avoid water when handling blades.

- Prevent water from coming into contact with paraffin. Open bain-marie can be the cause with contact with water.

Candle dripping

- Too warm environment.

- March.

- Candle is tilted.

- Too thin wick used.

- Place candles at least 10 cm apart.

- Avoid drafts.

- Always place a candle straight.

- Use a thicker wick.

Burning mirror is too small and the candle overflows

- Wax has too high a melting point.

- Wick is too thin.

- Use wax with a lower melting temperature.

- Use a thicker wick.

Candle smokes while burning.

- Wiek is too fat.

- Air holes in the candle.

- Wick is too long.

- High oil content wax.

- Use a thinner wick.

- Increase the pouring temperature, poke holes in the candle and refill additionally.

- Shorten the wick between 5 to 10 mm

Orange surface.

- Too much release agent used.

- Refilled too hot.

- Remove excess silicone spray or olive oil and only provide a film layer.

Post-cast does not adhere to previously poured wax. Refilled too cold Pour candles when they are still warm and not completely solidified.
Candle won't loosen from its shape

- Mold is too dry or not greased.

- Casting temperature is too high.

- Refilled up to the edge of the mould.

- Apply silicone spray or olive oil to the mold. A thin layer is sufficient.

- Check the permitted temperature of the casting mold used.

- Do not pour up to the edge of the mold.

- Place the casting mold in the refrigerator or freezer for a while.

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