7 - Wick choice
Choosing the right wick, as a beginning candle maker, is not always obvious. Every experienced candle maker sometimes struggles with this problem. There are several factors in candle making, which play a role, to make the desired candle.
Wicks, also called wicks or fuses, are made of cotton, at least the better quality wicks.
- Flat wick, reinforced: used for multiple applications in candle making. Applicable to poured and dipped candles.
- Waxed wick: especially suitable for candles in glass and jars.
- Outdoor wick : The thicker wick can only be used outdoors. Due to the size of the wick, the candle will be difficult to extinguish, even with higher gusts of wind such as 6 Beaufort, which our wicks have been tested for.
- Cross section (Ø candle)
- Used paraffin
- Shape of the candle
- Additional additives such as colorants and fragrances.
Many factors must lead to that one 'right' wick or fuse for your candle(s).
Below is an overview of problem candles with corresponding explanations and solutions:
Solution: Use a thinner wick. When tightening the wick, pay extra attention to whether the wick is not twisted.
Cause: The candle is running off or also called dripping. Presumably the wick is chosen too small. Extinguishing while burning will also be a consequence.
Solution : Choose a thicker wick. Is the candle standing upright? Draft can also be a reason for dripping. Occurs mainly with dipped candles that are dipped irregularly.
Cause: When burning the candle, the flame remains exceptionally small. This can be caused by the additions of dye, fragrance, impure (reused) paraffin. The candle tries to process paraffin but due to an abundance of additions, the candle burns on a small wick.
Solution: Use a larger wick. Adjust the additives such as dye or fragrance.
Cause: Irregular burning of the wick. The cause may be an excessive presence of impurities.
Solution : Use paraffin from European distributors who adhere to the guidelines of recognized compositions. The wick can also be twisted in the candle, as mentioned earlier.
Cause: White ash discharge around the end of the wick. The reason may be found in excessive impurity in the candle.
Solution: Use pure indoor candle products and apply the wick as previously mentioned.
Article. Application
Flat wing, reinforced.
Wick 3 x 4 Immersion candles ø 10-20 mm - Casting molds ø up to 20 mm
Wick 3 x 6 Immersion candles ø 10-25 mm - Casting molds ø up to 30 mm
Wick 3 x 8 Immersion candles ø 25-38 mm - Casting molds ø up to 40-65 mm
Pit 3 x 10 Immersion candles ø 40-50 mm - Casting molds ø up to 60-80 mm
Pit 3 x 12 - Casting molds ø up to 80-90 mm
Pit 3 x 14 - Casting molds ø up to 90-100 mm
Pit 3 x 16 - Casting molds ø up to 90-110 mm
Pit 3 x 18 - Casting molds ø up to 100-120 mm
Multi-purpose immersion candles Ø 10-50 mm - Casting molds Ø up to 50 mm
A candle is determined by the wick (diameter) and the content of the candle. The given diameters are only an indication of the intended end product. Making a test candle before a final production is recommended.
Article Application
Wax wicks
TL wax wick, floating candles and tea lights (3.5cm)
TL wax pit, casting molds and pots ø 4 - 6 cm (7-10-15-20cm)
TL wax pit, casting molds and pots ø 5 - 7 cm (7cm)
TL wax pit, casting molds and pots ø 6 - 8 cm (10-15-20cm)
TL wax pit, casting molds and pots ø 8 - 10 cm (10-15-20cm)
3.5cm - 7cm - 10cm - 15cm - 20cm
Wax wicks are of a self-chosen length which are provided with a layer of wax and a metal wick base.
Ideal for making tea lights or filling glasses and jars.
Article Application
Outdoor seeds
Outdoor wick 2mm for small outdoor candles
Outdoor pit 3mm torches + pots up to 9 cm
Outdoor pit 4mm pots up to 15 cm
Outdoor pit 5mm pots up to 18 cm
Outdoor pit 7mm pots > 18 cm
Outdoor pit 9mm pots > 25cm
Outdoor wicks are designed to absorb wind gusts while burning and continue to burn. They have sufficient capacity to burn large candles well.